Funny element of riding bicycle
日新又日新 | 2008. 11. 18. 23:12

모의오픽에서 발표한 1-min speech 대본.

  교정 전


Do you like feeling of winds? If you like feeling of winds passed by between your fingers, try to ride bycicle. It will be excellent if your hometown have river. River of city may have the bycile road with no hill. Only your leg's power will take your bycile moving. And then winds will be with you from that time. Riverside-winds have smell of water, just little point same with the sea. If you don't know about feeling of winds, and you don't know hapiness of tha feeling, I strongly recommend ride the bycicle.


교정 후


Do you like the feeling of winds?

If you like feeling of winds passed by between your fingers, try to ride byciclebicycle.

It will be excellent if your hometown havehas a river.

River of cityCity with the river may have the bycilebicycle road with no hill.

Only your leg's power will take your bycilebicycle moving.

And then winds will be with you from that time.

Riverside-winds have smell of water, just little point same with the sea reminds me of the sea.

If you don't know about feeling of winds, and you don't know hapiness of tha feeling, I strongly recommend ride riding the bycilebicycle.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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